When Confidential Employees receive information regarding discrimination, harassment, or sexual or sex-based misconduct, they must share the following with the reporting individual:

  • They are a confidential employee and therefore NOT required to notify the Title IX Coordinator or OIE about the report;
  • The individual may contact the Title IX Coordinator/OIE at [email protected], [email protected], OIE’s online reporting form or 410.516.8075; and
  • The Title IX Coordinator/OIE may be able to offer/coordinate supportive measures, such as No Contact Orders and academic modifications, and initiate an informal resolution or investigation under the University’s Sexual and Sex-Based misconduct Policy and Procedures (“SMPP”) and/or the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures (“DHPP”).

Other Helpful Information to Share

  • An individual does NOT have to participate in the SMPP or DHPP investigative process to request or receive supportive measures;
  • An individual can talk to OIE about the rights and options available to them under the SMPP and/or DHPP without initiating a complaint.