52 result(s) found.

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Sarah Mirkin

Sarah Mirkin, JD joined JHU’s Office of Institutional Equity in April 2024 as an Equity Compliance Investigator. Before joining JHU, Sarah was a sexual misconduct and discrimination investigator at Florida State University. As a licensed attorney, Sarah worked at a national litigation firm in Chicago, Illinois, where she handled complex commercial and pro bono wrongful […]

Brielle White

Brielle White joined JHU’s Office of Institutional Equity in November 2023 as an Equal Opportunity Process Specialist. Brielle helped develop and launch conduct inquires for incoming faculty and staff members as well as for departing members of the University. In addition, she also serves as a Title IX determination hearing facilitator. Prior to joining Johns […]

University Statement on Supporting Chosen Names

Johns Hopkins University values the diversity of its community and strives to create an environment where all students, staff and faculty can fully and genuinely participate in the academic and work experience. In that spirit, the University supports all of the members of its community to use their chosen or preferred name where possible. A […]

Workplace Accommodations – A Resource Guide for Faculty, Staff and Supervisors

The ADA is a federal civil rights law that was passed in 1990 and went into effect beginning in 1992. Its purpose is to protect people with disabilities from discrimination in employment (Title I). Title I of the ADA prohibits discrimination in employment and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. In […]

Student Disability Services (SDS) – Confidentiality

Student Disability Services (SDS) is the designated office at Johns Hopkins University that students work with to formally request disability related accommodations and services. Through that process students share confidential information about their disability with SDS in order to establish eligibility. Students are free to share information about their disability with others outside of SDS […]

External Government Resources

U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil RightsPhiladelphia OfficeThe Wanamaker Building100 Penn Square East, Suite 515Philadelphia, PA 19107(215) [email protected]://www.ed.gov/ocr U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women145 N Street NE, Suite 10 W.121Washington, DC 20530(202) 307-6026https://www.justice.gov/ovw EEOC Baltimore Field Office GH Fallon Federal Building31 Hopkins Plaza, Suite 1432Baltimore, MD 212021-800-669-4000 / (TTY) 1-800-669-6820https://www.eeoc.gov/field/baltimore EEOC Washington, […]